But I've been there before. Twenty years ago, I was fortunate to travel to Israel with Nancy on a tour of the Holy Land. I don't think I was in awe of that location then as I am now (why is it that as you age gracefully, you realize that you there is always more to learn?). Perhaps twenty years makes a big difference.

See, that's the thing I have grown to know about me: I am a lifelong learner. I don't know enough. I will never know enough (my wife Nancy will attest to that). True, I may know a lot of things, but that should never stop me from learning more. Maybe that is a key for all of us... somewhere along the adventure of life, we can get to a point where we believe we know all there is to know. We stop learning. We get stuck in our own patterns and behaviors, without realizing that we can continue to grow intellectually, emotionally, spiritually.
Perhaps we all could use a journey to a place that gives us that opportunity.
So, I'm off to get ready for another great adventure!
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