Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Power Outage

Since moving to Rochester in June, Nancy and I have been working hard to eliminate a lot of the stuff that we've accumulated throughout the fifty years we've been together.  There are the incomplete sets of old dishes that are hard to toss away because they have been in your family for so many years and heaven forbid that we should ever get rid of them.  I cannot tell you how many picture frames we have - many with family photos taken throughout the years and some that have no real significance whatsoever.  There are clothes which are on the hope list - hoping that I can fit into them someday (maybe by that day they'll be back in style.)  And, of course, there are the remnants of computer programs from days gone by - computer disks with programs designed to make my life simpler but they no longer work because their technology hasn't kept up with the newer, faster systems.

But the most surprising item that I have discovered in every box tucked away, every loose bag that we stuffed in a box that was tucked away, and drawers upon drawers of knick-knacks inundated with this item.  It's the extension cords.  I have all kinds: 7 brown extension cords, 6 white ones which work inside the house only, 1 six count outlet which plugs into an existing outlet, 2 power strips (I know there are more - these are the ones I've counted so far), and one outlet extension cord that only works with one item.  I have scads of three prong adapters because the previous home we lived in had older outlets, many of them without a ground plug so we needed adapters for them.  

I'm not even including all of the power cords I have for outside use (I know it's a double-digit number).  Neither am I including tens upon tens of device cords that have no known devices attached to them, LAN cords which are no longer needed because of the wireless phase we are in, and more earphone cords than I have ears.  Somewhere in time I have devices that each of these cords fit.  But who cares?  If I'm not using the device now and haven't for years, why do I think I need to keep them?  It's insanity!

I can tell you right now I don't need any of these cords.  None of them.  Not at all.  The moment I realize this will be the moment I will have conquered a huge obstacle in life - accumulating things that have no value

Listen to how Jesus said it: 
Yeah, I should know that by now.  I don't really consider tens of tens of extension cords and other similar things to be a treasure, but perhaps I can rethink the purpose for purchasing things.  Do I really need it or do I want it?  In most cases, I'm guessing the answer in my life would be "No".  I believe if I do that (and I'm thinking it's harder than just saying it than it is to do it) then perhaps I'll be able to tap into a bigger power source that will provide for anything I might need.

I guess I have some work to do... I need to donate some extension cords so others can access the power!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Reading about the World - Weekly

Life has changed so much since I was a young person - it's actually mind-numbing to consider how far we have come.  Nearly every day, we can look for information on the world wide web through Google or some other search engine.  We see pictures and video of events in other parts of the world live - as they are happening.  These appear on our phones, our iPads, our computers - yes, even our smart televisions.  The information we have at our fingertips is simply amazing.

Contrast that with how we received information in the mid-60's.  At a grade schooler, our sources of information were discovered in the library.  We would walk through the underground tunnel at Vandyke Grade School to the Coleraine Carnegie Library - right across the street.  When you walked in this library, you knew you were in a library.  The smell of the books, newspapers and archives was unmistakably unique.  Books were plentiful.  We would check out the books we thought we would like and we learned about the world through the writings of those books - some classic stories. some true and others pure fiction.  It spurred our quest to learn more about the world in which we lived.  (Incidentally, that particular library was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980 and is still open today, 113 years after it was first built.  You can read more about it here.)

There were other means of learning back then.  Our school library also had what most libraries carried - a set of encyclopedias.  My folks purchased a set of World Book encyclopedias, complete with an annual subscription for a yearbook and a science yearbook that brought all the information up to date.  I remember Nancy and I purchasing a set for our children - way before the internet became a thing. 

But there was one item in my memory that is dear to my heart even as I think about it today.  The Weekly Reader.  During our grade school years, each week we would receive the latest copy of My Weekly Reader.  In our classrooms, we would pour over the information found in each issue, learning about the latest developments in space exploration, world events, and modern inventions.  We learned about world leaders and so many other lands which we could only dream about.  With our teachers leading the conversation, we learned more about the world each week.  We learned together, as classmates.  We learned from our teachers, who we respected and looked up to.  They were our role models of the day.  We brought the papers home and talked with them with our parents, interacting with them about our day at school.  And I would like to believe, we learned from our parents what they thought about the things that we were learning about in school.  We can't even imagine how precious and important those moments were in our early development.

Looking back, I treasure the memories of these instruments which helped to shape us as people.   I believe we have lost a great deal since those days.  

I wonder if we could google that to see if we could find it again.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Stories from the Retirement Files...

July 1st was my official retirement date from full-time ministry.  I've been blessed with so many memories and precious moments I'd have to write a book to document them all.  I've met so many people whom I have consider good friends.  34 years in full time ministry - yeah, it was an amazing journey.

But the journey has changed dramatically.

So quickly - it seems - I have been launched into the long and winding road of retirement.  I have always felt confident about today and - quite frankly - about what tomorrow may hold.  Retirement hasn't really altered those thoughts, but the transition feels different.  I am still adjusting to this different pace I've been experiencing since July 1st.  

Honestly, it doesn't feel like retirement because I am serving as a part-time pastor for the Kenyon United Methodist Church (meeting some very nice people in that church).  I lead worship on Sundays and try to visit the community one day during the week.  I also work about seven to nine days a month as a chaplain at the Mayo Hospital in Rochester (St. Mary's and Methodist), a fabulous location to continue to learn and be helpful to others in need.   

Don't get me wrong... after ten months of anticipating retirement, I have been reunited with my beloved of fifty years (we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary in August).  Nancy has done a terrific job of decorating and preparing our new home since last October - and I love the fact that we are first-time homeowners.  I am thrilled with the realization that I live in the same town was one of my children and her family.  I am also closer to my other daughter's family.  I anticipate with a quickened heart the ability to travel to visit my son and his family who live in Florida (it hasn't happened yet, but I'm working on it).  I have a great deal to be grateful for and I do have a thankful heart.  God has been so good to us.  

We've been working on the home we moved into this past year... replaced the carpeting with laminate flooring, installing a new bookshelf in my office area, a sewing center for Nancy.  And a host of things that a new homeowner has to deal with - my new favorite place to shop is Home Depot.  Even the greeter knows me by name.

"So, what's your problem?" - you might ask.  

It's the adjustment.  I remind myself that I've been in a community for 34 years... people whom you have walked with in faith, laughed with them, cried with them, been in service with them, challenged them, learned from them.  I served in Worthington for eleven years - Emmanuel Church and Adrian for seven.  I have come to realize how much I appreciated their friendship, their guidance, their faithfulness, their personalities, and their kindness and love.  And truthfully, I miss all of that.  I have yet to replicate those kinds of relationships.  Like I said, it is an adjustment.

The other thing that has happened is one that I could not have expected.  I've done more doctoring since retirement in June than I have at any time in the past.  Just little things... edema in my leg, cataract in my left eye, colonoscopy, echocardiogram, diagnosed with sleep apnea, and an ultrasound on my leg.  I think I'm okay, but it's just been a pretty thorough checklist to make sure that I am okay.  

Welcome to the long and winding road of retirement, Daren.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Chosen

It's been "another" long time since I have written anything about anything.  Truth be told, I've been a bit preoccupied, working on planning for retirement next year.  More on that at another time.  I felt compelled to sit down and write something about the streaming series that I have been watching.  You may have watched it as well.  It's called "The Chosen".  You can watch it free on this link

One promo says this about this acclaimed series about Jesus and his disciples: "A charismatic fisherman drowning in debt, a troubled woman wrestling with real demons.  A gifted publican ostracized by his family and his people.  A religious leader struggling with his beliefs.  See Jesus through the eyes of those that met him."  I'm not certain that this description does the series justice.

I have watched the first season (of three), and it has been very inspirational.  Does it take some liberties with respect to character development?  I should hope so.  Watching how Peter's life is depicted makes perfect sense for the accounts we read about him in the New Testament.  Nicodemus is shown as a teacher who truly desires to learn more about God's love for humankind.   Matthew's background as a quirky tax collector is refreshing to watch.  

The flashback moments revisit important moments that speak to what was happening in that current day: Jesus' teaching in the temple at age 12; Moses making the bronze serpent to save the people from snake bites; Jacob digging the well.  It's a refreshing look at the old, old story that we have come to know so well.  Perhaps too well.  It's a joy to have your heart opened once again to the stories we have grown up with as a young child.

Sometimes I am too slow out of the gate.  I know people have mentioned this series to me in the past.  I would politely nod and move on with life, not taking their encouragement to watch this series to heart.  I am grateful that I didn't wait too long.  I recommend it to you.  Don't procrastinate like I did.  This is one series that is worth the time it takes to sit down and watch it!  Trust me - you'll be glad you did!

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Music Appreciation 101

I was taking a trip down memory lane tonight when I came across something I wasn't aware I had in my possession.  (I'm fairly certain that I shouldn't have it either.)  It's music from my high school band - Greenway RPB (Raider Pep Band).  Our band director was a pretty hip guy, always looking for the latest songs that we could play.  We even had a couple of budding composers who put together arrangements of songs we just couldn't wait to play: "Judy in Disguise", "Pain", and "It's Not Unusual" - to name a few.  

As I recall, it was a lot of fun, especially playing for the high school hockey games.  We had a number of rivalry bands which (quite frankly) couldn't hold a candle to our pep band.  Just sayin'.

Music has changed over the years.  I can't say anything bad about the music of today - I just don't listen to it.  However, if I were to offer a comparison, it would be that the music from my generation was perfect for its time.  It was easy to understand the lyrics, which also spoke to the issues of our time.  I guess all music does that, but the music of the 60's and 70's was stand-alone different.  Perhaps there were subtle messages within the music here and there, but it seemed like that music had a decency to it that is not as apparent today.  I'm not trying to rip on the music of today - I'm sure it has plenty of followers who will make the same claims years from now.

My brother had a maroon Olds F85 which had an eight-track player.  I was sometimes allowed to drive it.  There was nothing like driving in a car with an eight-track.  You had to listen to the entire track to hear the favorite songs from that particular band.  It only made sense that you would drive around in order to hear the music from the track.  I think we called it "cruising" in the day.

Music of any kind really has a dynamic effect upon us as humans.  It can take us back to a specific memory.  It can brighten our day or make us more reflective.  It can move us to action.  According to some medical resources, music can provide a total brain workout.  Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.

Whatever your music of choice, I encourage you to listen to it more often.  Turn off the tv.  Play your cd or your mp3s on your favorite player.  Go cruising to the music.  You never know how it might affect you.  It just might make your day a little brighter!

Monday, February 13, 2023

How Much Is That Doggy in the Window?

Have you ever been so convinced that something is not going to work out the way others think it will?  I mean, with absolute certainty, you are fully convinced that your way is the only way.  No amount of discussion will ever change your mind.  You are rock-solid in your belief and if anyone thinks otherwise, they are dead wrong.  Keep that in mind for a moment.

Three years ago, it was a Thursday night in late March.  I had just settled down to go to sleep.  Nancy was working overnight at the hospital.  I was exhausted.  The COVID pandemic was in its earliest stages.  Everything had shut down - in person meetings, in person worship, plans for gatherings - and so many more events that are important to not only life in the church, but life period - were all shut down.  It was the most difficult time for all of us.  I was emotionally spent.  I needed some rest.

My phone buzzed, telling me there was a text from someone.  I wasn't totally asleep, so I fumbled for my glasses, slightly annoyed from being roused from a rest that I know I desperately needed.  I looked at my phone.  It was from my wife.  She was telling me about an opportunity to get some kind of playmate for our cat, Ruby.  Ruby and I didn't see eye to eye so I wasn't in favor of even keeping Ruby, let alone getting another cat for her.  I wasn't ready to hear it.  My response was "You are kidding right".

Turns out, she wasn't.  You see, Nancy's family has a history of having animals: dogs, cats, parakeets, cows... yeah, that's right, cows.  She loves animals.  Talks to them like they can talk back to her.  I know she wanted another pet.  I just wasn't prepared for that conversation - not after midnight... not during the pandemic... I was convinced this was not a good idea and my avatar emoticon told her so.  It was late - I was tired.  I wasn't going to waver....
...until this.  

Even in an exhaustive state, a guy still has a heart.  One look and that was it.  It was over.  Maisy became part of our family.  She waits for me to come home now.  Like a little jumping bean, she wants to be held all the time.  And she begs for treats by standing on her hind legs, just hoping for some kind of dog treat that she can gnarl on.  But make no mistake about it - she is still Nancy's dog.  I'm just second fiddle... chopped liver... just a glorified benchwarmer... I take a back seat and I'm perfectly okay with that.

As it turns out, I am also perfectly okay with the realization that I was wrong.  Really wrong.  Maisy has been a really good pet for Nancy and as it turned out, for me too.  It's a good lesson to be learned - for all of us.  Our way might not be the only way.  Take a moment to consider another perspective before settling on what you believe to be true.  You won't regret it.

I know in my heart I don't.

Oh, one trade-off... Ruby the cat is someone else's cat now.  I'm cool with that too!