Two days ago,
while she was taking a break at work, she texted me that we should get a
dog. Not just any dog, but a pet that
would be able to play with the cat – so she said. She sent me a picture of this dog – a Shih
Tzu. I admit – I was reluctant to hear
it. I was reluctant even after I saw the
picture. But my wife was
persistent. She was ever pressing
forward that this dog would be a blessing to our family. I wasn’t so sure. I expressed as much with my initial response.

The point of Jesus’
story about this persistent woman is that people should never give up when life
gets hard. Always persevere in
This is timely
for us today, isn’t it? I cannot even estimate
how many persons have taken a moment to pray, ever since this coronavirus has
advanced across our nation. The number
has to be a large number. I’m certain
each prayer has lifted up the persons who have fallen ill because of this
virus, prayed for those who are leading the efforts to find some sort of
solution to contracting the virus, lifted up those who are in harm’s way as
they continue providing the essential services we need day to day. Persistent prayer – the primary focus of this
modern day parable of pandemic proportions.
The verse that
really captured my attention was at the end of that story:
“However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

We can offer
up as many prayers as we want and God will listen. But will we have faith?
There are worse things than getting a cute dog for the home. Not having faith in God during tough times could be one of them.
would love to have a little dog like that - JIM says NO NO NO