What’s more,
we sometimes (I say it gently because it’s true – we sometimes do this) we
ignore the vision that the youth share with us.
We cannot see those same possibilities.
I asked my
grandson Wyatt a question the other day.
We were in FaceTime mode and I wanted to know how it was going – being home
every day from school. Wyatt didn’t miss
a beat – “It’s like it’s the weekend – every day.” Young people understand life and they get
it. Perhaps they don’t have all the
wisdom or experience that older adults possess, but they give our world a fresh
look at what life is like through another set of eyes. I believe it’s important to listen for what
we all might learn from our young people.
I grew up
during a time when young people were a little different than they are today. We had distractions, yes, but today’s
distractions seem more, how do I say it – distracting! Computer apps, iPhones, iPads, virtual
reality games, and other gadgets seem to interrupt the creative flow that young
people have to share.
This isn’t meant
to be one of those “back in my day” comments, but I know we were challenged by
our parents (okay, we were ordered) to use our creativity outside and we
did. We performed plays and skits. We imagined we were sports heroes of the
day. We played outdoor games and made up
our own rules as we go along. When we
couldn’t be outside, we had black and white television with three stations (on
a good day) for our daily entertainment.
It was a treat to have the 64 count box of Crayola crayons to draw
something from our imagination.
Young people
today also have these moments, I’m certain.
Their creative energy and imagination are evident. And even if we older folks
aren’t able to see it, parents and teachers see it all the time. It seems to me when these things are
balanced, young people have a great deal of creative energy and imagination to
So, yes, as
Jesus calls the young children forth – let the children share for they are the
children of the Kingdom! Let’s pay closer attention to what they have
to say to us!
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