So, I extend this challenge to any who read this blog. I know this is January 2nd, but the chapters are not very long. We can easily catch up with the one chapter a day suggestion. So here are my reflections on the first two chapters of Proverbs:
Just a couple of things to get this started - it is understood that this was written by Solomon, written to young people as they started out on their journey. The point Solomon seems to be making is how wisdom can intersect with daily living.
Chapter one discusses the purpose - why write this? Why is it important? According to Solomon, it is to help guide not only those who are beginning in life, but to add to those who have been around the block a few times (my words, not his).
In the first section of chapter one, Solomon encourages the reader to stand on his own and not follow after the crowd that makes bad choices. Listen to the wisdom of those who have been there and judge for yourself if following wisdom's advice isn't the pathway to go. There are consequences in not paying attention to what wisdom has to offer. In many cases, after calamity strikes it may be too late to seek wisdom. The damage is already done.
Chapter two speaks of the rewards of seeking wisdom and following after its advice. In the case of seeking this kind of wisdom, it will bring one to understand the knowledge of God and the fear of the Lord. There are protective measures awaiting those who listen and follow the advice of wisdom.
What are your reflections? What wisdom have you picked up from these two chapters?
We will look at chapter three tomorrow...
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