I’m not
writing this to suggest anything other than this is positive news. Everyone seems to be on the same page and are
working for the same things – people’s lives are at stake. Whether the headlines are talking about “Stay
at Home” or obtaining masks or ventilators or providing economic stimulus efforts
for the people of this nation, it all points to one central theme… we are all
trying to survive this dreaded virus attack.
The same dynamic
was present in the
story of Jesus at Bethany, just before he made his way to Jerusalem and the
triumphant entry into the city on what we know as Palm Sunday. In today’s devotion, the author compares the
motivations of Mary against those of Judas.
He says one side (Mary) gets it while the other side (Judas) doesn’t get
it. Ultimately, just like we are
experiencing today, only one story can emerge that will save the people.
It’s not the
story about saving money to purchase food for the needy (albeit a noble thing
to do). In this case, it’s about the Messiah
preparing the people around him about what was to come. It all points to one central theme… Jesus was
going to Jerusalem to die for the sins of the people. He was going there so that we would survive
the dreaded attack of sin upon our lives.
In the story, Jesus
tells Mary and Judas that the perfume would be used for his burial. It’s more than a hint of what was to come. Jesus knew.
Of course, he knew. And not only
did he know, he was ready as well. It’s
such an amazing story – that Jesus knew what was going to happen and he still went
into the hornet’s nest of Jerusalem and the world of the Pharisees and the Roman
rulers. Like Max Lucado wrote “He chose
the nails” and we have been blessed since that day.
I admit that I’d
fallen behind this past week in my efforts to blog throughout these 40 days of Lent. You noticed, didn’t you? In all honesty, it seems a lot longer than
only 31 days (it is actually been longer than that because you would need to
add in all of the Sundays since Ash Wednesday).
It feels like I’ve been writing about coronavirus and pandemic
situations and keeping safe in our homes for the longest time.
We’re getting
closer though. We can sense it. Holy Week is right around the bend. We are closer to the days of uncertainty
being replaced by the days of the certainty of God’s grace.
Jesus knows it
and he is ready to go there for you and for me. He is ready to die so that we may survive.
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