As in the previous chapter, Solomon continues to get a bit more specific with his examples of developing wisdom and making smart choices. This chapter appears to be all about adultery and not just adultery, but adulterous women.
Let's make sure we stop right there for a moment and remember the context of the times. Largely male dominated world. Women had no rights and were treated as lower class citizens. Today, this text could easily be written "beware of the adulterous woman or the philandering man". Both sexes are equally capable of participating in adultery. It's a fact of the world we live in today.
But the text wasn't written today and is solely speaking about an adulterous woman. Solomon uses a couple of action verbs that demonstrate the importance of these verses... "KEEP my words... STORE UP my commands... GUARD my teachings... BIND them on your fingers... WRITE them on the tablet of your heart..." He begins with these action verbs before he even gets to the dangers of seduction - the perils of adultery.
Solomon then describes an encounter with a woman and a young man. It's hard to determine if this is an experience that Solomon witnessed or was part of himself. But his descriptive narrative leaves no doubt as to the dangers that can come from an adulterous situation. The wisdom Solomon offers is to not stray and keep one's heart true.
A case could be made that this is the human response to God's love... there is always the struggle to remain faithful to one God and one God alone. We can be drawn toward the allure of darkness. We can be swayed to participate in less than desirable moments. A case could be made for that... but I don't think that is the intent of this text. It's simply to invite people to be faithful to one another and not commit adultery. As least, that's my thought.
What about you?
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